A Kite’s Tale is Disney’s second VR animation debut at Siggraph 2019. A kite’s story combines classic hand-drawn animation and VR technology to tell this offbeat story of two kites; an energetic young doggie (with a swaying tail) and a self-important winged dragon who conflict, tangle, and at last should figure out how to live with each other subject to the breezes of destiny.

A kite’s story is directed by Bruce Wright and highlights hand-drawn animation. It was created inside Disney Animation’s Short Circuit program. The activity allows staff to deal with blind submission. Cycles were made under precisely the same program. A kite’s story will screen July 28th to August 1st at SIGGRAPH’s VR Theater.

“I’m thrilled that ‘a kite’s tale’ is premiering at SIGGRAPH 2019’s VR Theater,” said director Bruce Wright, whose previous credits include effects animation on films such as Tangled, Wreck-It Ralph, Frozen, and Frozen 2. “Virtual reality has the ability to bring us into new worlds of story, and touch the hearts of the audience in never before dreamt of ways. It’s an honor to showcase our film at SIGGRAPH for the innovators and artists who are shaping the future of this medium.

Also Read: Holographic VFX in ‘Spider-Man: Far From Home’ made by Rising Sun Pictures

Virtual reality has the ability to bring us into new worlds of story, and touch the hearts of the audience in never before dreamt of ways,” Wright said, “It’s an honour to showcase our film at SIGGRAPH for the innovators and artists who are shaping the future of this medium.


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