EL EMPLEO / THE EMPLOYMENT: The short opens with a closeup of a watch having a person with its two hands going about as the moment and hour hands. The alert rings and a hand gradually puts it off. At that point, a gloomy look with half open eyes without any energy has appeared. He shaves before a mirror with the hand having no face holding the mirror for him. He drinks his espresso on a seat and table of people.

He heads out to work flawlessly dress. He hangs tight for the taxi. Be that as it may, the taxi is no vehicle however is person conveying him on the back. He achieves his office and the entryway is likewise comprised of individuals. In the workplace, he sets down on his stomach before an entryway. At that point, a human stride on his back rubs off his shoes and headed inside. The motion picture finishes here.
The film is lovely in character both storywise and in fact. You can see that individuals are misused by the unrivaled. As it tends to be found in the motion picture. He sits on the seat and table made of human. It speaks to abuse of frail and poor by the solid and rich individuals. Further, it likewise features that what is seen from the outside isn’t in every case valid inside.
The brooding look man perfectly dressed become
the doormat at last.

“EL EMPLEO / THE EMPLOYMENT” which has won 102 International Awards is directed by Santiago Bou Grasso from Argentina and written by Patricio Plaza.
What makes us a Human? It is the awareness, bliss, distress, torment, delight that makes us human. In the event that we take out these fixings from life, at that point, our life will be dull, lazy, animalistic, or more all we become mechanical being. We will resemble zombies. This is the message that the short energized quiet animation “el Empleo”
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