3D-Printed ultrasound lets a blind woman feel her unborn baby
Most hopeful moms get their first look at their infant during the ultrasound. Notwithstanding, in case you’re a mother-to-be who can’t see, the ultrasound experience may be a less significant encounter. In any case, moms who are visually impeded haven’t had the option to share the experience – until now.
3D printing has opened thousands of recent opportunities for the blind to expertise the world around them, however, obscurity have we tend to see a lot of powerful example than within the story of expecting mother Tatiana Guerra and also the 3D-printed bust that allowed her to envision her unborn kid.
Tatiana Guerra, a 30-year-old expectant mother, lost her eyesight at the age of 17 and never thought she would get to see her baby in the womb but see needed to experience how her baby was doing and what it looked like during the ultrasound examination. This splendid motion by Huggies utilizing 3D printing technology realized her fantasy.
30-year-old Tatiana Guerra thought she’d never get to see her son

As a surprise, her doctors 3D-printed little Murilo’s ultrasound and gave it to her

And She Feels her Baby

There are no words to express the feeling she had

“Meeting Murilo” a video posted by the Brazilian branch of Huggies, however, is showing the world how one blind woman was able to share in the awe of that first ultrasound moment, even if she couldn’t see.
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Watch the Video here:
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