One Human Family, Food for All: This is a very short animation with a very meaning full lesson that we really need to be learned in today’s world of hate.

“In light of an ancient story about yearning and sharing, this animated video is a “moral story of the spoons” and instructs us that when we battle to sustain just ourselves, everybody goes hungry. Be that as it may, when we focus around our neighbour’s appetite, we find there are approaches to sustain everybody.”

One Human Family, Food for All

In light of an ancient story, the “allegory of the spoons”, this short animated video tells that a lot of individuals lounged around the edge of the cliff, and a bowl of soup was in the centre. Each destitute individuals had an entirely long spoon. At first, everybody battled about the soup, yet no one could drink it. Be that as it may, later, everything changed after a lady sent the soup to nourish the individual who sat over the cliff, and afterwards others pursued this lady. At last, the highly contrasting pictures turned beautiful, individuals wearing a grin, and the pictures got increasingly striking. The plot wanders aimlessly make this video progressively informational. On the off chance that we can set aside our childish hearts and regularly help other people around us, our life will get progressively beautiful.”To serve others is to serve oneself” is the message from this video

Art direction and animation by EALLIN:

Director: Denizcan Yuzgul

Compositor & colorist: Michal Šverma

Dramaturge: Pavel Hurboš

CGI team: Josef Kasal, Libor Batěk, David Dvořák, Štěpán Končelík, Jiří Linhart, Jan Zavadil, Martin Hanschild, Murphy Ličko

Also Watch: ‘A Tale of Momentum and Inertia’-Think Before Your Action

Animation team: Pavel Hruboš, Renata Stránská, Gabi Popov, Severin Baschung Postproduction manager: Lukáš Karvánek


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