The Beginning of 2D Animation: Goodwin loved projecting lamp slides of Bible stories to his Sunday school classes and needed to take a stab at making his own. Be that as it may, he found the complexities of glass-plate photography excessively hard and decided he could invent a better medium for holding the photographic emulsion.

He was motivated to search for a non-breakable, and clear substance on which he could put the pictures he used in his Biblical teachings. In 1887 H.W. Goodwin invented nitrate celluloid film, these celluloid film could hold images. This was made of gum cotton and gum camphor. He patented a method for making transparent, flexible roll film from a nitrocellulose film base, which was used in the kinetoscope by Thomas Edison.

But it was highly expensive, time-consuming and often produced streaked or blurry images.

H.W. Goodwin was not good at paperwork and his patent process was unfairly stalled in court arrangements awaiting approval. Waiting on their approval, George Eastman Invented and a similar film were filed for a patent and included in the production, and Kodak, the film industry’s largest film and camera company, was produced. There was a long-standing trial for copyright infringement between Kodak and Goodwin. Goodwin died in a freak car accident on December 31, 1900, after several years in court and essentially no legal fees and sales.
In 1900, Ansco Camera Company and Goodwin’s widow continued to sue Kodak and thus won a patent infringement case against George Eastman Kodak. In 1901 Kodak was ordered to pay five million dollars and 5% of Kodak stock to Ansco and Goodwin’s widow.
Must Read: Georges Méliès- Inventor Of Special Effects In Movies