Home Animation Timeline Georges Méliès- Inventor Of Special Effects In Movies

Georges Méliès- Inventor Of Special Effects In Movies


Inventor Of Special Effects In Movies: Georges Méliès began his career as a magician. After seeing the Lumière brother’s films in 1895, He acquired a camera, built a glass-enclosed studio near Paris, wrote scripts, designed ingenious sets, and used actors to film stories. With a magician’s intuition, he discovered and exploited the basic camera tricks: stop motion, slow motion, dissolve, fade-out, superimposition, and double exposure. he turned into a producer and made more than 500 short films somewhere in 1896 and 1913.

He is legendary for his many inventions in motion footage. He was one of the first to film fictional narratives, and he considered the creator of special effects in movies. His films were among the first to use such techniques as double exposure, stop-motion, and slow motion. He was also one of the first filmmakers to use storyboards.

Georges Méliès- Inventor Of Special Effects
Georges Méliès- Inventor Of Special Effects

Georges Méliès’s most famous film is Le Voyage dans la lune (1902; A Trip to the Moon). The film is a very inspired of Jules Verne’s novel De la terre à la lune and has the famous image of the spacecraft from Earth hitting the “man in the moon” in his eye.

Le Voyage dans la lune (1902; A Trip to the Moon)

In this film, a group of astronomers who travel to the Moon in a cannon-propelled capsule, investigate the Moon’s surface, escape from an underground group of Selenites (lunar inhabitants), and come back to Earth with a hostage Selenite

His films included pictures as diverse as Cléopâtre (1899; Cleopatra’s Tomb), Le Christ marchant sur les eaux (1899; Christ Walking on Water), Le Voyage dans la lune (1902; A Trip to the Moon), Le Voyage à travers l’impossible (1904; The Voyage Across the Impossible), and Hamlet (1908).

But the commercial growth of the industry forced him out of business in 1913, Méliès worked in a toy store in a Paris train station and he died in poverty. But he and his movies were rediscovered during the 1920s, and he was respected for his role in film history.



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