Vaibhav Kumaresh is an animation filmmaker and is currently Founder, Director at Vaibhav Studios, Mumbai. Founded in 2003, the studio has created some of India’s favourite animated content in the field of TV commercials and channel promos: the Amaron Battery ad campaign, Chulbuli for Clinic Plus, Buladi’s AIDS awareness campaign for the West Bengal government, Sagar Cement campaign for the Andhra market, the Vodafone Zumis and Simpoo the angry Sardaar math teacher on Channel [V], the famous 30-second cartoon series featured on Channel V, which tickled millions of Indians. to name a few. The studio is currently working on its maiden feature film titled Return of the Jungle.

A Fine Arts graduate, Vaibhav Kumaresh studied animation film making at the National Institute of Design, Ahmedabad. He is an active committee member of TASI: The Animation Society of India. Vaibhav also teaches animation and is a visiting faculty at various animation and design schools across.

He shared his journey of development as an animation filmmaker, mentoring other aspiring filmmakers.

Also read: Did Disney copy ‘The Lion King’ from a Japanese animated film ‘Kimba’?

Vaibhav believes that if anyone wants to become an animation filmmaker, doodling should be started once in a while. He believes that the most important skill for animation films is the story. And everyone has their own unique style of storytelling. It is believed to be very important to maintain and test it with people around you.


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