Disney Channel has requested Disney Television Animation’s Marvel’s Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur, a unique energized series dependent on the Marvel comic books. Laurence Fishburne and Helen Sugland’s Cinema Gypsy Productions (ABC’s Black-ish), Marvel Animation and Family Entertainment, and Emmy Award-winner Steve Loter (Disney’s Kim Possible) are all coming together as producers. Jeff Howard (Planes) and Kate Kendell (The Pirate Fairy) will fill in as co-makers and story editors.

The series pursues the experiences of 13-year-old super-intellegent Lunella Lafayette and her ten-ton T-Rex, Devil Dinosaur. After Lunella incidentally brings Devil Dinosaur into present-day New York City through a period vortex, the team cooperates to shield the city’s Lower East Side from threats.

Fishburne declared the news during Disney Television Animation’s D23 Expo board. “As an eager comic book fan, I am excited to be engaged with Marvel’s Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur,” he said. “Disney Channel is the ideal stage to investigate this small female African American superhuman and I can hardly wait for their crowd to appreciate the cheerful experiences of Lunella and Devil Dinosaur.”

Meredith Roberts, senior VP, Animation Strategy, Disney Channels included, “Disney TV Animation is excited to work together with famous makers Laurence, Helen and Steve and the gifted Marvel Animation group to bring this advanced roller-skating, tween super hero and her overwhelming accomplice to Disney Channel.”

“Lunella doesn’t realize she is the most intelligent individual on earth, however animation lovers willwill see how cool Moon Girl is,” Cort Lane, senior VP, Marvel Animation and Family Entertainment, noted. “Her undertakings with monster mate, Devil Dinosaur, are loaded up with so much marvel and satisfaction, and this notable association with Disney Television Animation and Cinema Gypsy Productions demonstrated the correct equation to carry them to TV.”

Also Read: Would You believe that animation is an ancient art?

Source: Disney Channel


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