Home Videos Short Animation Negative Space- Story of Father and Son Relationship By Max Porter and...

Negative Space- Story of Father and Son Relationship By Max Porter and Ru Kuwahata


Negative Space- Story of Father and Son: Negative Space is a 2017 French stop motion animated short film by Max Porter and Ru Kuwahata. The short film was produced by IKKI Films (Nidia Santiago and Edwina Liard) & Co-produced by Manuel Cam and Ikki Inc. It was named for the Academy Award for Best Animated Short Film at the 90th Academy Awards.

“Based on a 150-word poem by Ron Koertge, “Negative Space” is a short animated film that depicts a father-and-son relationship through the art of packing a suitcase.”

Negative Space- Story of Father and Son

Ru Kuwahata and Max Porter

Nominated for an Oscar in 2018 for best animated short. Screened at over 314 festivals, and winner of 127 festival prizes including 63 grand Prix/best animated short awards.

Negative Space- Story of Father and Son

The visual inventiveness is astounding: Socks and underwear fly through the air and a roadway becomes a zipper, as we are sucked into Kuwahata and Porter’s expansive environments and lovingly stitched articles of clothing. The short ends with a punch and wastes no space in doing so.

Negative Space is easily nominated among this year’s slate. ” 
-Cartoon Brew ” is a poignant and meaningful film.

Ru Kuwahata and Max Porter’s Negative Space Grapples, and the latter’s question of cause and effect in a way that’s nothing short of sublime. ” 
-Slant Magazine

More touching is” Negative Space, “a stop-motion piece in which a man recalls how he and his father bonded over packing suitcases efficiently; it’s a movie with an underlying sadness balanced by faith in order.
– Detroit News

[Negative] Space beautifully delineates a father-his relationship, and ends with a perfect, smile-through-tears final line. 
– Atl Arts

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Watch Negative Space here:



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